Masina spuma Starlights Techno Foam Start

Masina spuma Starlights Techno Foam Start
18476.38 Lei
*pretul include TVA
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cod produs: Techno Foam Start
Descrierea Produsului


TECHNO FOAM START “Avant” series.

Cannon for Foam Party

This foam production cannon model for “Foam Party” has been designed for the prosperous market of music lovers , DJs , small service and entertainment agencies .

With a very affordable investiment , “Techno Foam Start” is the result of the foam production cannon most sold in the 2015. (year of his launch in the italian market).

Moreover, his performances are respectable ( range about 10mt), besides a really limited consumption of the ready-to-use solution.

(Thanks to particular arrangements on pipelines and adjustments on the pumps)

A limited investment , minimal operational management cost , a quick return with excellent profits , the possibility to assemble the machine with bare hands (no needs of any tools ), light weight , easy handling , no leaks, this are some of the qualities that make this machine a winner in the market.
Producing over 100,000 liters / min !

The strong galvanized steel structure is ennobled by the finish that form a single body between metal, bottom and poxy  coating, previously fixed in the oven, making it indestructible and “unsearchable” in the unmistakable Starlights color.
TECHNO FOAM START can be customized on demand:
– customized colors or airbrushed.
– with the client logo and personalized colors.

* these version may require more time for the delivery than the standard versions and a possible additional charge.
(Please make your purchase carefully).

We highly recommend this accessory because it’s not only a simple LED lighting system is a truly scenography which enriches your machine making it “monstrously” eye-catching, attractive and catalyst for the public. Your customers will be pleased to host these special effect machines, they will make the surroundings even more modern and hi tech just with their presence. (Often supporting scenography and animation too).
The function can be disabled if wanted.
Very high quality components and Productions rigorously made in Italy.

-N. 2 connections pipes

-tank of ready to use refill solution
-rotable support with removable bearings


Power 220v- 2000w
For an Optimal Performance and for users safety (since the “total body” contact with the public) we highly recommend to only use guaranteed and certified products made in Italy like our Fluids Foam


Specificatiile Produsului
  • Tipuri efecte speciale Spuma
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